
New Product Support


The early performance of devices after commercial release is critical to the acceptance and success of a new product. Even minor modifications of devices require monitoring, to ensure that performance in the field meets expectations.

SurgiVision® has supported the successful release of many new products, including excimer lasers, femtosecond lasers, intraocular lenses, corneal inlays and other devices. Our extensive ophthalmic experience allows us to design custom software products for each product, ensuring the right data are captured to detect potential issues. Field personnel can monitor usage, plan visits around surgery schedules, and intervene early when problems arise.

Capturing large amounts of post-release data can also support marketing claims. New product entrants often face an uphill battle to gain market share against incumbents, and nothing overcomes doubts better than showing surgeons excellent results generated in their own hands. Outcomes data registries provide a cost-effective way to reach surgeons with a data-drive message.

SurgiVision® Consultants, Inc.’s professional network among ophthalmologists is extensive, spanning countries, generations and specialties. Let us assemble and manage your Medical Advisory Board to guide your product during its early stages of commercialization. We provide post-approval surveillance, user meetings, trade publications and other services to help your device achieve commercial success.