SurgiVision® DataLink

Cloud-Based Software Solutions:

  • Surgeon-Specific Nomograms

  • Patient Specific Surgical Planning

  • Automated Outcomes Analysis

Nomograms are used during surgical planning to personalize treatments to every eye and are essential refractive surgery outcomes. SurgiVision®’s nomogram technologies use validated mathematical methods. They are completely automated so surgeons do not have to perform complex data analyses. By incorporating nomogram technologies into SurgiVision® DataLink software, surgeons can access the power of validated nomograms with a single click.

SurgiVision® nomograms constantly update with the most current data and are customized to each patient, surgeon, laser, and laser room environment, providing surgeons with the ability to plan treatments based on the unique characteristics of each eye.

SurgiVision® Consultants, Inc. has been at the forefront of refractive surgery nomogram development since 1996, when we supported the clinical trials that led the first FDA approvals for LASIK in the United States. As noted above, SurgiVision® nomograms are integrated into the SurgiVision® DataLink product line, which uses a cloud-based architecture to provide surgeons with real-time surgical planning and outcomes analysis tools.

SurgiVision® nomograms are uniquely effective for several reasons:

  • They have been developed in collaboration with the engineers that designed the laser platforms with which they are used;
  • Our experience running the FDA trials provides us with information that is not readily available to other companies;
  • Our large registry of clinical data provides ample clinical data to validate advanced nomogram concepts.

The impact of SurgiVision®’s nomograms is significant. Surgical predictability is improved, helping both surgeons and patients achieve the desired result with a single treatment. This not only allows patient to see better, it also helps surgeons grow their refractive surgery practice.

SurgiVision® DataLink’s nomogram technologies also help manufacturers to place lasers and manage technology cycles. By providing accessing our extensive library of validated nomograms, surgeon willingness to upgrade to new laser models is improved.

In addition to state-of-the-art nomogram technology and surgical planning tools, the SurgiVision® DataLink Comprehensive Reports Suite provides surgeons with ongoing, real-time surgical outcomes analysis. Reports are accessible online using a web interface and are also delivered by email using our automated reports engine, ensuring that surgeons are always aware of their most current outcomes.  Constant access to outcomes greatly facilitates patient counseling and supports quality assurance efforts with reliable, real-time data.

Click Here to Enroll in a SurgiVision DataLink Platform